
dimanche 7 octobre 2007

Les Vers Dorés de Pythagore

Honore en premier les Dieux immortels dans l’ordre qui leur fut assigné par la Loi.

Respecte le serment. Honore ensuite les Héros glorifiés.

Vénère aussi les Génies terrestres, en accomplissant tout ce qui est conforme aux Lois.

Honore aussi ton père et ta mère et tes proches parents.

Entre les autres hommes, fais ton ami de celui qui excelle en vertu.

Cède toujours aux paroles de douceur et aux activités salutaires.

N’en viens jamais, pour une faute légère, à haïr ton ami. Quand tu le peux, car le possible habite près du nécessaire.

Sache que ces choses sont ainsi, et accoutume-toi à dominer celles-ci :
la gourmandise d’abord, le sommeil, la luxure et l’emportement.

Ne commets jamais aucune action dont tu puisses avoir honte, ni avec un autre, ni en ton particulier. Et, plus que tout, respecte-toi toi-même.

Pratique ensuite la justice en actes et en paroles.

Ne t’accoutume point à te comporter dans la moindre des choses sans fléchir.

Mais souviens-toi, que tous les hommes sont destinés à mourir ; et parviens à savoir tant acquérir que perdre les biens de la fortune.

A l’égard de tous les maux qu’ont à subir les hommes de par le fait des arrêts augustes du destin, accepte-les comme le sort que tu as mérité ; supporte-les avec douceur et ne t’en fâche point.

Il convient d’y remédier, dans la mesure que tu le peux. Mais penses bien à ceci : que la destinée épargne aux gens de bien la plupart de ces maux.

Beaucoup de discours, lâches ou généreux, tombent devant les hommes : ne les accueille pas avec admiration, ne te permets pas de t’en écarter. Mais situ vois qu’on dit quelque chose de faux, supporte-le avec patience et douceur.

Quant à ce que je vais te dire, observe-le en toutes circonstances.

Que jamais personne, ni par ses paroles, ni par ses actions, ne puisse jamais t’induire à proférer ou à faire ce qui pour toi ne serait pas utile.

Réfléchis avant d’agir, afin de ne point faire de choses insensées, car c’est le propre d’un être malheureux de proférer ou de faire des choses insensées. Ne fais donc jamais rien dont tu puisses avoir à t’affliger dans la suite.

N’entreprends jamais ce que tu ne connais pas ; mais apprends tout ce qu’il faut que tu saches et tu passeras la vie la plus heureuse.

Il ne faut pas négliger la santé de ton corps, mais avec mesure lui accorder le boire et le manger, l’exercice, et j’appelle mesure ce qui jamais ne saurait t’incommoder.

Habitue-toi à une existence propre et simple ; et garde-toi de faire tout ce qui attire l’envie.

Ne fais pas de dépenses inutiles, comme ceux qui ignorent en quoi consiste le beau.

Ne soit pas avare non plus : la juste mesure est excellente en tout.

Ne prends jamais à tâche ce qui pourrait te nuire, et réfléchis avant d’agir.

Ne permets pas que le doux sommeil se glisse sous tes yeux, avant d’avoir examiné chacune des actions de la journée.

En quoi ais-je fauté ? Qu’ais-je fait ? Qu’ais-je omis de ce qu’il me fallait faire ?

Commence par la première à toutes les parcourir. Et ensuite, si tu trouves que tu as commis des fautes, gourmande-toi ; mais si tu as bien agi, réjouis-toi.

Travaille à mettre ces préceptes en pratique, médite-les ; il faut que tu les aimes, et ils te mettront sur les traces de la vertu divine, j’en jure par celui qui transmit à notre âme le sacré quaternaire, source de la nature dont le cours est éternel. Mais ne commence pas à prendre à tâche une œuvre sans demander aux Dieux de la parachever. Quand tous ces préceptes te seront familiers, tu connaîtras la constitution des dieux immortels et des hommes mortels, tu sauras jusqu’à quel point les choses se séparent, et jusqu’à quel point elles se rassemblent.

Tu connaîtras aussi, dans la mesure de la justice, que la nature est en tout, semblable à elle-même, de sorte que tu n’espéreras point l’inespérable, et que plus rien ne te seras caché.

Tu sauras encore que les hommes choisissent eux-mêmes et librement leurs maux, misérables qu’ils sont ;ils ne savent ni voir ni entendre les biens qui sont près d’eux. Peu nombreux sont ceux qui ont appris à se libérer de leurs maux.

Tel est le sort qui trouble l’esprit des mortels. Comme des cylindres, ils roulent çà et là, accablés de maux infinis.

Innée en eux, en effet, l’affligeante discorde les accompagne et leur nuit sans qu’ils s’en aperçoivent ; il ne faut point la provoquer, mais la fuir en cédant.

O Zeus, notre père, tu délivrerais tous les hommes des maux nombreux qui les accablent, si tu montrais à tous de quel Génie ils se servent !

Mais toi, prends courage, puisque tu sais que la race des hommes est divine, et que la nature sacrée leur révèle ouvertement toutes choses.

Si elle te les découvre, tu viendras à bout de tout ce que je t’ai prescrit ; ayant guéri ton âme tu la délivreras de ces maux.

Mais abstiens-toi des aliments dont nous avons parlé, en appliquant ton jugement à tout ce qui peut servir à purifier et à libérer ton âme. Réfléchis sur chaque chose, en prenant pour cocher l’excellente intelligence d’en haut.

Et si tu parviens, après avoir abandonné ton corps dans le libre éther, tu seras immortel, incorruptible, et à jamais affranchi de la mort.

48 commentaires:

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Greeting for the day!!

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1. Keep Distance from all fried nutrients for the week
2. Drink an 8oz glass of grapefruit with breakfast every day. (this speeds up your metabolism)
3. Eat fair portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. Instead of eating 3 huge a meals a day, eat 5-6 smaller meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Aviod eating after 9 P.M.. When you eat that late your body does not burn off the calories.
6. Have a proper sleep everyday. Not taking enough sleep causes been proved to be a major element to the body storing excess fat.
7. Use a body/colon cleanse for the 7 days. This will get rid of extra fat stored just about the stomach area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that makes you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I reccomend you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is proven to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those man's/womans who desire to burn fat quickly, avoid alcohol.
10[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url] A low GI diet is an excellent method of burning fat quickly.


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Now here is a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX 5 hundred running shoe, and, since it originally hails from the '80s, the gaming galvanized design and coloring is a simple choice ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packaged with a combination bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a computer game primarily based on ... The shoe itself.

GameCulture writes that the game stars a personality named'DJ Zed' who, according to Adidas, has five minutes to'run, moon-walk, climb walls, avoid some dodgy-looking bullies, collect power-ups, and pull off insane rooftop-to-rooftop stunts' in order to get on-stage before his set starts. It looks fittingly retro -- see for yourself in the video we've included after the breakdance.

More info
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That brings me on to the point of all this. Who among the many United strikers of the past have been the best? For what they are worth, here are my thoughts on the top 5 strikers in the years prior to Alex Ferguson's reign at Manchester Utd. I have a strong suspicion that if you happen to be reading this your views may not align with mine, but I can live with that. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]manchesterunited[/url] With this as background, United is probably the more popular of the two Manchester football teams, wouldn’t you think? Such may not be the case as there has been a long-standing belief that Manchester City actually has more local fans than their more famous namesakes. A few years ago, a Manchester University research study discovered that Manchester United has 9,000 season ticket holders in the M postal area compared to Manchester City’s 7,000 season ticket holders. City fans quickly pointed out, though, that the research study was conducted before the City team moved to the larger City of Manchester stadium. As a result, no one is really sure which team is more popular among the locals. What is certain is that as far as nationwide and international support is concerned, United has a far larger fan base than City. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]berbatov[/url] Manchester United Football Club is an English football club that plays in the Premier League. The Red Devils as they are commonly known have more than 300 million world-wide supporters. Meaning that out of every 20 people on earth, one of them will be a Manchester United Fan! Currently managed by Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United are one of the most successful teams in the history of English football having won 21 major titles since he became manager in 1986. During its remarkable history, many distinguished players have run out in the famous Manchester United shirt which can trace its origins back when Manchester United were known as Newton Heath Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Football Club.

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1 - Go towards the meals court. Feel it or not, the foods court will be the absolute very best area inside the shopping mall to fulfill a female. Here's what you do. Choose a foods put and get in line for the meal. When you may be in line, start looking close to the region just where everybody is seated and eating. Glimpse for a toddler sitting alone, or even two ladies sitting together. When you have your meal in hand, walk around to where exactly she or they are really seated and inquire if you are able to join them. If you're truthful and straightforward with them, your odds are pretty high-quality.

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hi everybody

Just saying hello while I read through the posts

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ShoppingBlogging.com - [url=http://www.shoppingblogging.com]Online Shopping[/url] for Christmas

It appears each calendar year many people begin hunting before and previously for Christmas. Final 12 weeks I began in the starting of October and had all of the provides wrapped from the end on the month. This calendar year I started out even sooner to carry benefit of the couple of outlets providing mid 12 weeks product sales.

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Why Store Previously

Looking previously has two primary benefits - acquiring improved bargains and avoiding the vacation rush. However it has its drawbacks as well. Loads of toy and game producers specially, only launch their most current merchandise incredibly near for the holidays. This signifies that if you're proceeding to store within the center from the calendar year, you won't have the ability to acquire the most up-to-date products within the marketplace. One way to acquire roughly this would be to pre-order. Actually pre-ordering items may even fetch you special discounts and free of charge presents.
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But in a considerable amount of instances, in the event you maintain your eyes open, you are able to get more effective offers for the duration of the slow or off season, retail smart. Various mobile phone producers launch their newest types all through the center within the yr. This indicates that previous designs is going to be proceeding at rock bottom rates about two several weeks prior to the launch within the replacement.

Some men and women carry browsing previously towards the severe but browsing correct following the holidays for that subsequent holidays. Post vacation revenue are occasionally even improved than pre-holiday revenue as departmental shops make an effort to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous savings.

Needful Adjustments

Moving up Christmas hunting a handful of several weeks will take just a bit adjustment, spending budget sensible, especially while in the earliest yr on the timetable alter. However it doesn't carry very much to have used to it. Its just a matter of retaining to some set routine of placing just marginally money apart for shows.

The Gift Conundrum

Apart from producing purchases while in revenue, getting in bulk can conserve you tons of money. Its often very good to break recipients into a handful of groups very first - near family associates, family and friends associates, near buddies, associates, colleagues - you receive the concept. Performing so permits you to organize your ordering much better. That stated I only have two recipient groups - instant family people and other people.

Obviously you'd desire to purchase a lot more individual and thoughtful presents to the citizens closer for you. But for far more generic presents, I advise pack browsing, that is just like pack hunting, only nicer.

Pack purchasing right here signifies gathering a few of close friends with comparable buying lists after which purchasing in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other people today in terms of generic presents. You can come across that it is easy to get genuinely good presents like wine glasses at seriously fantastic costs whenever you pack store.

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